
Meet-up #10

Ethan and Norabelle provided an update on their conversation with Common Roots/Common Roots Foundation representatives, including potential partnerships and funding opportunities. The group discussed the various analysis and public input steps taken to-date, including reviewing previous plans, identifying key nodes, and evaluating roadway safety.

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Meet-up #9

The group discussed the project application that was submitted by the City of Glens Falls to the A/GFTC. Ethan discussed a recently conducted walk audit that had been performed in the Ward 1 area that focused on the bike and pedestrian environment. A press release was circulated to local media and was picked up by Foothills Business Daily.

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Meet-up #8

Ethan and Norabelle provided an update on the City of Glens Falls’ sustainability committee meeting and feedback received from Common Council members.

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to Dec 5

Meet-up #7

The group shared an updated roadway assessments map and discussed the bikeability survey including ways to share it with circles. A/GFTC Funding was also discussed.

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Meet-up #5

The group reviewed the interactive map of roadway assessment results and proposed ways to better identify missing gaps. The Bikeability Survey and Website Content were both discussed.

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Meet-up #4

The group discussed any interesting findings from their roadway assessment work and the importance of engaging with the public and getting input throughout the process.

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to Oct 23

Meet-up #3

The group walked through the data collection worksheet and made updates to accurately evaluate the key roadway segment. The 9/28 Common Council meeting was also discussed.

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to Oct 23

Meet-up #2

In order to recommend priority improvements to roadways and intersections in Glens Falls it will be necessary to understand what the existing conditions are. The next step is to ask people to volunteer to bike the road segments and fill out a simple evaluation form. The evaluation forms will be used to develop a comprehensive evaluation of roadways, which can in turn be mapped and used as the basis of bike facility recommendations.

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Meet-up #1

The first meeting of Bike Glens Falls was held at the Crandall Park band shell on August 11th, 2021 at 6:00 pm. The purpose of the meeting was to convene interested residents and discuss the intent and approach to developing a bicycle master plan for the City of Glens Falls. People gathered at 6pm and made introductions and spoke about their interests in making Glens Falls a more ‘bikeable’ city.

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